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We continually evaluate and improve security standards to provide advanced protection to our members. As a further step in that direction, we have made changes to the minimum length and complexity of Security Codes used to access online banking.

Security Code Length and Complexity
All security codes must comply with the following rules to be considered valid:

  • Minimum length of the security code must be 9 characters
  • It must have at least one special character (!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *)
  • It must have at least one upper case letter (example: A, B. C, D)
  • It must have at least one lower case letter (a, b, c, d) It must have at least one number (0,1,2,3)

The new security code policy will apply when you create a Security Code through Online Banking Enrollment or when you change the Security Code in Online Banking. Users who self-enroll will not be prompted to change their Security Code at initial logon. Users will be prompted to change their Security Code anytime it is set up or changed by the credit union, or if the user has utilized the Forgot your Security Code process.

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Your savings insured to $250,000 per account. This institution is not federally insured, or insured by any state government.
